Alchemy 1000

List of All Combinations for All Items

Alchemy 1000 Cheats
abacuscalculator + tale
AC outletelectricity + wall
acidlemon + pressure
Africaflag + pyramid
air (basic element)
air conditioninghouse + refrigerator
air defenseradar + rocket
airplanebird + iron
airportairplane + house
Aladdincartoon + genie
alarm clocksound + Sun
alcoholjuice + Sun
alphabetman + paper
alpinistmountain + sport
Amanitamushroom + poison
amuletbead + magic
anchorearth + ship
Android OSrobot + telephone
angelcloud + life
animalearth + life
Animecartoon + Japan
antenna dishiron + net
applecomputer + fruit
Apple + iPhone
aqualungair + diver
aquariumfish + glass
archtunnel + wall
Ariesconstellation + horns
armcontrast + legs
Arm Wrestlingarm + sport
armchairchair + pillow
armorclothes + knight
arrowstick + thorn
artistman + picture
Aston Martincar + James Bond 007
astrologerstar + wizard
astronautmoon + pilot
AthenaGreece + statue
ATMkeyboard + money
atomlight + microscope
atomic bombatom + bomb
ATVcar + motorcycle
AuroraLeningrad + ship
Australiaflag + kangaroo
Autumnleaf + rain
bacteriumlife + microscope
bagcloth + rope
balalaikaguitar + Russia
ballballoons + Volleyball
balloonairplane + balloons
balloonsair + light
Bambicartoon + deer
bamboopanda + plant
bananapalm + Sun
bankbuilding + money
baralcohol + building
BarbellBiceps + tools
barbwirethorn + wire
BarcelonaFootball + Spain
barrelbottle + tree
Baseballball + stick
basketforest + mushroom
Basketballball + basket
batbird + mouse
bathroomhouse + pool
Batmanbat + cartoon
batterybox + electricity
battleshipboat + gun
Bazookaexplosion + gun
beachisland + Sun
beadballoons + rope
bearanimal + honey
beauticianbag + lipstick
beaveranimal + river
bedpillow + timber
beebird + zebra
beehivebee + house
beeniecloth + combat helmet
beeralcohol + plant
beetsugar + vegetables
beetlebutterfly + earth
Behemothanimal + panzer
belliron + sound
benchchair + park
berriesearth + fruit
Biathlongun + skis
Bicepsman + sport
Big BenEngland + wristwatch
bikinibeach + clothes
Bill Gatesman + Microsoft
Billiardsgame + table
binocularsglasses + soldier
birchtree + zebra
birdair + life
blastergun + Star Wars
blotnotebook + paint
bluebellsbell + flower
BMWcar + Germany
boattree + water
bombgunpowder + iron
bonehatchet + skeleton
bonfirefire + firewood
bootsshoes + soldier
bottlealcohol + glass
Bounty chocolate barchocolate + coconut
bowribbon + woman
boxpaper + scissors
Boxinggloves + sport
braclothes + decollete
branchleaf + stick
BrazilCarnival + flag
breadfire + flour
breakfastegg + tomato
brickclay + fire
bridedress + woman
bridgeroad + water
briefcasebox + paper
broomsauna + tree
brushskin + tree
bucketiron + water
buildinghouse + steel
bulbglass + lightning
bullcontrast + cow
buscar + man
bus stopbench + bus
buttermilk + tools
butterflyplant + wind
cabbageplant + salad
cactusdesert + plant
Caesarman + salad
cafebuilding + coffee
cagehouse + net
cakeflour + sugar
calculatorbank + tools
calendarpaper + time
cameraphoto + tools
Canadaflag + leaf
canapésalad + stick
canarybird + cage
candlehut + light
candypaper + sugar
cannongun + panzer
capitalistman + money
carcart + engine
cardsgame + paper
cardsharpercards + Firefox
Carnivaldrum + feast
carouselgame + horse
carpetcloth + wall
carrotshare + vegetables
carttimber + wheel
cartoonchild + cinema
casinobuilding + game
castlebuilding + forest
catcontrast + dog
caterpillarleaf + life
cavemountain + tunnel
CDlaser + melody
Centaurhorse + man
Ceylonisland + tea
chaircontrast + table
champagneSun + wine
ChanelFrance + perfume
Charlie Chaplincinema + mime
cheerleadingdance + stadium
cheesemilk + pressure
cherrygrapes + knife
chickenbird + house
Chicken Grillchicken + fire
childman + woman
ChileChili Pepper + flag
Chili Pepperfire + vegetables
chipsknife + potatoes
chocolatecandy + cocoa
Chuck Norrisiron + man
CIAspy + USA
cigarettepoison + smoke
cigarette casebox + cigarette
cinemacloth + light
circuscarousel + theater
citybuilding + park
clayearth + tools
CleopatraEgypt + princess
cloakcoat hanger + hood
clothplant + tools
clothescloth + woman
cloudair + water
clowncircus + smile
coachcart + princess
coalfire + tree
coat hangerclothes + stick
Coat of Armsflag + shield
cocoaAfrica + plant
coconutpalm + wind
codesafe + word
coffeecup + Sun
Colagas + water
Colosseumbuilding + dynamite
combat helmetclothes + soldier
companybuilding + documents
compassmagnet + tools
computermicrochip + scientist
constellationGemini + space
contrastSun + tornado
cookman + utensil
corkbottle + wine
corncinema + plant
cowanimal + man
cowboycow + man
crabbeer + sea
craneengineer + rope
cratermeteor + planet
Creteisland + Minotaur
crocodiledragon + water
croissantFrance + Morning
crossbowarrow + longbow
crosswordriddle + word
crownflag + man
cruisesea + tourist
cuckoobird + time
cucumbercontrast + tomato
cupglass + water
cupboardclothes + safe
Cupidlongbow + love
Curarearrow + poison
Cyclopsanimal + eye
daggergun + knife
dambeaver + branch
dancemelody + woman
Darkwing Duckcloak + duck
Darth Vaderking + Star Wars
dartsneedle + timber
Death Starbomb + star
decolletedress + scissors
deeranimal + ice
demonangel + fire
desertearth + Sun
detectivebook + riddle
DHLcompany + post office
diamondcoal + pressure
dietkefir + woman
dinosaurdragon + time
dirigibleballoon + engine
discobar + melody
DisneylandFerris wheel + USA
diverman + water
doctorman + medicine
documentspaper + stamp
doganimal + fence
doghousedog + house
dollchild + woman
dolphinanimal + fish
Donald DuckDisneyland + duck
doorhouse + lock
doughflour + rolling-pin
Dr. Housecinema + medicine
dragonanimal + bird
dressclothes + woman
drugstorebuilding + medicament
druidforest + wizard
drumbarrel + stick
duckbird + lake
dynamitegunpowder + sugar
earflapsbeenie + USSR
earringsears + gold
earsheadphones + man
earth (basic element)
Easter Islandisland + statue
eclipsemoon + Sun
eggchicken + life
Egyptflag + mummy
Eiffel Towerman + steel
electric fantools + wind
electricitylightning + wire
elephantanimal + pressure
elflongbow + tale
Emailletter + WWW
embankmentpark + river
enginepetrol + steam engine
engineerman + tools
Englanddarts + flag
escalatorengine + ladder
Eskimo Pieice cream + stick
excavatorcar + shovel
exhibitglass + scarecrow
explosiondynamite + petrol
extraterrestriallife + UFO
extrememotorcycle + Ski jump
eyelight + man
Fabergéegg + treasures
factorybuilding + engineer
fairyforest + magic
fanplume + woman
fashiondress + shoes
fattyman + McDonald's
FC ShakhtarFootball + miner
feastbouquet + flag
felt bootsshoes + winter
felt tip pensink + pencil
fenceforest + house
Ferraricar + horse
Ferris wheelpark + wheel
Fiatcar + Italy
fighterairplane + gun
film cameracinema + tools
Finlandflag + lake
fire (basic element)
Firefoxcomputer + fire
firemanfire + man
fireplacefire + house
firewoodhatchet + tree
fireworkschampagne + cork
fishlife + water
fishermanfish + man
fishing rodfisherman + tools
flagisland + man
flagpoleflag + stick
floor lampbulb + stick
flourmill + plant
flowerplant + Sun
flying fishbird + jump
Footballball + game
football bootsFootball + shoes
footprintsearth + man
Fordcar + USA
Formula 1car + tornado
fortcannon + port
fortressearth + fort
fountainwater + whale
Franceflag + wine
froglife + swamp
fruitflower + tree
Gagarinman + Sputnik
gamechild + life
garagebuilding + car
gaslightning + water
gas stationbuilding + petrol
gatefence + road
geishaJapan + princess
geniepitcher + wizard
Germanyflag + Oktoberfest
geyserearth + fountain
ghosthouse + life
Ghostbustersghost + hunter
giftbox + ribbon
giraffeanimal + cloud
gladiatorColosseum + man
glassearth + lightning
glasseseye + glass
globeearth + map
glovesarm + clothes
gnomepick + tale
goatanimal + mountain
goldmoney + pick
Golden Keygold + key
goldfishnet + old man
golfball + Hockey stick
GPSmap + Sputnik
graffitipaint + wall
gramophoneneedle + sound
grannytime + woman
grapeslight + plant
Greeceflag + salad
Greenwichatom + sundial
guitarsound + timber
gungunpowder + steel
gunpowdercoal + earth
hairstylehead + scissors
Halloweenfeast + pumpkin
haloangel + light
hammeriron + stick
Hammerhead Sharkfish + hammer
hammockbed + net
handbagshoes + woman
hang glidercloth + wing
hareanimal + snow
harpoongun + Neptune
harvestertractor + wheat
hatchetsteel + tree
hayplant + time
headears + eye
headphonesmelody + wire
hedgehoganimal + needle
helicopterairplane + contrast
Heliumballoon + gas
Hellcontrast + paradise
helm boatsteering wheel + yacht
HermitageLeningrad + museum
heronbird + swamp
hieroglyphalphabet + Egypt
HockeyCanada + ice
Hockey stickHockey + stick
Hollywoodcinema + star
honeybee + flower
hoodclothes + Robin Hood
hornsbone + head
horseanimal + cart
horseshoehorse + iron
hoserope + water
hospitalbuilding + medicine
Hot Dogdough + sausages
hotelbuilding + tourist
Hottabychgenie + USSR
housebrick + man
Hummingbirdbird + flower
hunterforest + rifle
hutman + timber
hydroelectric stationbuilding + waterfall
hydroplaneairplane + skis
Icarusman + wing
icepressure + water
Ice Agecartoon + ice
ice creamsnow + sugar
icebergice + mountain
igloohut + ice
Indiaelephant + flag
Indianman + plume
inkpaint + water
intercomcode + door
iPadapple + tablet
iPhoneapple + fashion
ironearth + meteor
iron (cast)steam + tools
iron weightiron + sport
ironing boardiron (cast) + table
Ironmancinema + iron
islandearth + sea
ISSshuttle + space
Italyflag + pizza
jacuzzibathroom + geyser
jamberries + fire
James Bond 007cinema + spy
Japanflag + Sun
JasminAladdin + princess
Jawscinema + shark
Jeepcar + forest
Jerboaanimal + desert
jerricanbarrel + petrol
Jerrymouse + tale
jewelry boxbox + ring
Jim Carreycinema + mask
Jokercards + clown
Jolly Rogerflag + pirate
juiceorange + pressure
jumpearth + tree
kamikazefighter + Japan
kangarooanimal + jump
Karatekimono + sport
Karlsonjam + medicine chest
kartengine + steering wheel
kefirbacterium + milk
kettletea + utensil
keyhouse + needle
keyboardalphabet + computer
KFCcafe + chicken
kimonoclothes + Japan
Kinder Surprisecandy + egg
kingcrown + man
kiwibird + earth
Klaxoncar + sound
knifeiron + tools
knighthorse + steel
koalabag + bear
Kvassbread + water
Lacosteclothes + crocodile
Ladacontrast + Ferrari
ladderearth + house
lakedam + river
Lamborghinicar + cow
laptopbag + computer
laserdiamond + light
lassocowboy + rope
Lattecoffee + ice cream
leaftree + wind
legsfootprints + man
lemonfruit + tequila
lemonadegas + juice
Leninpyramid + USSR
Leningradcity + Lenin
letterpaper + pen
Lexusgift + Jeep
librarybook + building
lifesea + Sun
liftladder + skyscraper
lightair + Sun
lightercigarette + fire
lighthousebonfire + mirror
lightsaberlaser + sword
limelemon + paint
Linuxcomputer + penguin
lionanimal + king
lipslipstick + woman
lipstickpaint + woman
lizardcontrast + crocodile
lockhouse + key
locomotivesteam engine + wheel
LondonBig Ben + city
longbowgun + Robin Hood
loudspeakersbox + sound
Louis de Funescinema + France
LouvreFrance + museum
lovebeach + woman
luckdoor + horseshoe
macheteknife + Mexico
machine gunengineer + rifle
magazinebook + fashion
mage towerfortress + wizard
magicbox + hare
magnetearth + iron
mammothelephant + snow
mananimal + banana
mandarinefruit + New Year
manicurearm + paint
mapearth + road
Marsplanet + war
Mary Poppinsumbrella + woman
mascaraeye + paint
maskglasses + water
matchesfire + stick
mausoleumLenin + Moscow
mazeroad + treasures
McDonald'sCola + hamburger
meatcow + knife
medalgold + sport
mediaradio + TV
medicamentmedicine + powder
medicine chestbox + medicine
melodymusic + violin
melonberries + Sun
MentosCola + geyser
Mercedescar + star
mermaidfish + tale
mermanswamp + tale
Messiextraterrestrial + Football
metal springjump + steel
meteorair + fire
Mexicoflag + tequila
Mickey MouseDisneyland + mouse
microchipSilicon + tools
microscopeglass + life
Microsoftcompany + Windows
milkcow + pressure
millwater + wheel
mimesilence + theater
Minecraftbox + game
minercoal + pick
mineral waterbottle + water
Minotauranimal + maze
mirrorglass + woman
mobile phoneradio + telephone
Mona LisaLouvre + picture
Monacoanchor + yacht
moneyengineer + oil
mongoosehunter + snake
monoclebinoculars + contrast
mooncontrast + Sun
Moonrovercar + moon
mopbroom + stick
Morningalarm clock + Sun
Morse codealphabet + sound
Moscowcrown + Russia
motorcyclebicycle + engine
mountaincloud + earth
mousecontrast + elephant
mousetrapcheese + tools
movie theatercinema + theater
Mowglichild + wolf
mummyman + ribbon
museumbuilding + exhibit
mushroomearth + rain
musicbrush + sound
mutantman + radiation
nailshammer + timber
naval minebomb + ship
Need for Speedgame + speed
needlecactus + tools
Neptuneking + sea
nestbird + stick
nestlingegg + nest
netrope + sea
New Yearfeast + snow
newspaperpaint + paper
Newtonapple + genius
nightlight + moon
Nikecompany + football boots
Ninjashuriken + spy
Nitrocar + Nitrogen
Nitrogenair + gas
Northern lightslight + planet
Norwayflag + skis
notebookpaper + school
nuclear power plantbuilding + radiation
nutsquirrel + tree
oasisdesert + rain
oilbuilding + sea
Oktoberfestbeer + feast
old manman + time
Ole Einar BjørndalenBiathlon + Norway
olive oilbutter + tree
Olympiadring + sport
orangeSun + tree
OrigamiJapan + paper boat
owlbird + tree
Oxygenelectricity + water
paintflower + pressure
palmisland + plant
panstove + utensil
pancakesdough + pan
pandaanimal + tree
pantscloth + iron
panzercar + gun
paperpressure + tree
paper boatlake + newspaper
parachutecloud + jump
paradiseangel + cloud
paratroopergun + parachute
parkfountain + tree
parrotAustralia + bird
pastaflour + rope
PC mousecomputer + mouse
Pegasushorse + wing
PeleFootball + genius
pelmenidough + meat
penpaint + pencil
pencilcoal + tree
penguinbird + snow
perfumeflower + gas
periscopesubmarine + telescope
Peterhof Palacecity + fountain
petroloil + pressure
Phelpsswimming + USA
Phoenixbird + fire
photolight + picture
pianokeyboard + sound
pickmountain + tools
picturebrush + paint
pieberries + dough
piganimal + blot
pigeonbird + city
pillowbird + cloth
pilotbird + man
Pina Coladaalcohol + pineapple
pineapplebeach + plant
PinocchioGolden Key + tale
pipehouse + smoke
pirateisland + soldier
pitearth + shovel
pitcherclay + utensil
pizzaflour + tomato
Pizza Hutcafe + pizza
plane hangarairplane + building
planetglobe + space
plantearth + water
Playboyhare + love
plumeair + bird
PlutoDisneyland + dog
pocketBilliards + target
podiumfeast + sport
PoirotGemini + Sherlock Holmes
poisonmedicine + snake
polar bearbear + snow
poolsauna + water
popcorncinema + Cola
porcupineanimal + thorn
porthouse + ship
Portugalflag + Ronaldo
post officebuilding + letter
postage stampletter + picture
posterpaper + theater
postmanletter + man
potatoesearth + vegetables
powderpressure + stone
princesscrown + woman
Pringleschips + company
pumpkinbarrel + plant
pursebag + money
pyramidbuilding + mummy
quiverarrow + bag
R2D2robot + Star Wars
radarairplane + radio
radiationengine + submarine
radioantenna dish + sound
raftcork + water
Raftingraft + river
railroadroad + train
railway stationbuilding + train
raincloud + water
rainbowrain + Sun
rakenails + stick
Ratatouillecook + mouse
receptiongate + hotel
Red Bullbull + lemonade
refereesport + whistle
refrigeratorcupboard + ice
Renaultcar + France
respiratorcontrast + gas
ribbonpressure + rope
riceJapan + plant
riddlegame + word
riflebinoculars + gun
ringbride + gold
rinkice + pool
rivermountain + water
roadcar + earth
Robin Hoodforest + man
robotiron + life
rocketearth + space
roller skatesshoes + wheel
rolling-pintimber + utensil
Ronaldoman + Nike
roofhouse + Karlson
roosterchicken + Morning
ropecloth + snake
Russiabear + flag
sackbag + cloth
safebox + money
sailboatboat + wind
Saint George's Ribbonribbon + war
SakuraJapan + tree
saladfeast + vegetables
Salamanderlizard + shoes
SamuraiJapan + soldier
sandglassalarm clock + beach
sandwichbread + butter
Santa Clausclothes + snowman
Saturnplanet + ring
saunasteam + timber
sausagesGermany + meat
sawsteel + tooth
sawmillbuilding + saw
scalespressure + tools
scarabbeetle + Egypt
scarecrowanimal + time
schoolbuilding + child
school busbus + child
schoolbagbag + school
SchumacherFormula 1 + man
SchwarzeneggerBiceps + cinema
scientistbook + man
scorpionbeetle + desert
Scotlandflag + whiskey
Scrambled eggsegg + fire
scribe-compassneedle + pencil
scytheknife + plant
seagullbird + sea
seashellhouse + sea
seaweedplant + water
secretbriefcase + safe
seedsfire + sunflower
seesawrope + timber
sewing machinecar + needle
shadowcontrast + light
sharklife + sea
Sherlock Holmesdetective + violin
shieldcontrast + sword
shipboat + iron
shoesroad + skin
shooting starsmeteor + rain
shortspants + scissors
shovelBiceps + rake
Shrekcartoon + mutant
shurikengun + Japan
shuttleairplane + moon
silencecontrast + sound
Silicondesert + earth
skateboardjump + timber
skatesHockey + rink
Skatingice + sport
skeletoncat + fish
Ski jumpskis + snowdrift
skinanimal + knife
skissnow + timber
Skittlescandy + rainbow
skyscraperbuilding + cloud
sleepman + night
Sleeping Beautysleep + tale
slippershouse + shoes
slothanimal + Morning
smileman + Sun
smokefire + gas
snaillife + seashell
snakeanimal + medicine
snipersoldier + target
snowcloud + ice
Snow-Maidenwinter + woman
snowboardskateboard + snow
snowdriftsnow + tree
Snowdropflower + snow
snowmanman + snow
SochiOlympiad + Russia
socksclothes + legs
sofabed + pillow
solarbattery + Sun
soldiergun + man
sombrerobeenie + Mexico
SOSMorse code + ship
soundair + pressure
SpainCorrida + flag
speedcontrast + snail
spiderbeetle + rope
Spidermanman + spider
spoonfork + steel
sportalcohol + contrast
sportscarcar + wind
spruceneedle + tree
Sputnikairplane + Sun
spycloak + dagger
squirrelanimal + brush
stadiumbuilding + sport
StalinLenin + time
stampalphabet + paint
Star Warsstar + war
statuestone + tools
Statue of Libertystatue + USA
steakfire + meat
steamfire + water
steam engineiron + steam
steamshipboat + steam engine
steelcoal + iron
steering wheelcar + road
stickknife + tree
stingrayfish + pressure
stonemountain + pressure
stoolchair + saw
stovebonfire + house
strawberryberries + plant
street organbox + melody
studentlibrary + man
submarineboat + diver
subwaytrain + tunnel
Sudokucode + riddle
sugarknife + palm
summercontrast + winter
sundialstick + Sun
sunflowerflower + Sun
sunrisecontrast + sunset
sunsetmountain + Sun
SupermanBatman + paint
surfingskateboard + wave
Sushifish + rice
swamplake + time
swimmingpool + sport
Switzerlandflag + wristwatch
swordsoldier + steel
swordfishshark + sword
T-34panzer + USSR
tablenails + timber
tableclothcloth + table
tabletcomputer + telephone
talebook + child
tandem bicycle2*bicycle
tankerboat + oil
targetarrow + paper
Tarzanman + tree
taserelectricity + gun
taximan + road
teaIndia + plant
telephonesound + wire
telescopepipe + space
tentcloth + forest
tequilaalcohol + cactus
test tubebottle + medicine
The Smurfsgnome + paint
theatergame + tale
thermometerdoctor + tools
thornflower + needle
thronechair + king
Thumbelinaflower + woman
Tie FighterDeath Star + fighter
tigercat + zoo
timbertools + tree
timesandglass + sundial
Titaniciceberg + ship
Tomcat + tale
tomatoglass + plant
toolspressure + steel
toothbone + smile
toothbrushmop + tooth
torchfire + petrol
touristairplane + man
towelbathroom + cloth
TowerEngland + fortress
Toyotacar + Japan
tractorcar + swamp
traffic lightlight + road
trainengine + locomotive
trambus + electricity
trampolinecloth + metal spring
Transformercar + robot
treasure islandmap + pirate
treasuresmoney + pirate
treeearth + plant
trenchpit + soldier
trolleybusbus + horns
troop-carriercar + soldier
trooperpanzer + soldier
tunnelbridge + contrast
TVantenna dish + cinema
UAEflag + oil
UAZJeep + Russia
UFOalcohol + star
UkraineFC Shakhtar + flag
umbrellacloth + rain
USAflag + statue
USSRRussia + war
utensilfork + spoon
Vanillacake + plant
vaseflower + utensil
vegetablescontrast + fruit
Venicecity + water
Venusplanet + woman
veteransoldier + war
Viagramedicine + Playboy
Vikingknight + Norway
violincontrast + guitar
vodkaalcohol + water
volcanoearth + fire
Volleyballbeach + sport
Voodoodoll + needle
vulturebird + meat
walking caneold man + stick
wallbrick + engineer
WALL-Erobot + yardman
wallpaperpaper + wall
wandstick + wizard
warflag + gun
water (basic element)
waterfallrainbow + river
watermelonpaint + plant
wavesea + wind
webnet + spider
weightlessnesscontrast + pressure
wellpit + water
werewolfghost + wolf
whaleanimal + sea
wheatflour + plant
wheeliron + tree
whiskeyalcohol + wheat
whistleFootball + sound
Wi-Fiair + WWW
wigwamhouse + Indian
wind power plantelectricity + wind
windowglass + house
window blindscloth + window
Windowscomputer + window
windvaneroof + rooster
winebarrel + grapes
wineglassglass + light
wingarm + bird
Winniebear + cartoon
wireiron + rope
witchbroom + wizard
wizardmagic + man
wolfdog + forest
womanflower + man
woodcutterhatchet + man
woodpeckerbird + sound
World of Tanksgame + panzer
wormtree + woodpecker
wristwatchtime + tools
WWWcomputer + net
X-raymedicine + radiation
yachtsea + sport
yardmanman + mop
Yetifootprints + snow
Yodaold man + space
yogiman + nails
zebraanimal + paint
Zerobutterfly + scales
Zeusmountain + Olympiad
ZidaneFootball + France
zoocage + sloth
Zorroknight + mask