knight Alchemy 1000 Cheats

How to make knight in Alchemy 1000?

What can you make with knight in Alchemy 1000?

Combine withCreate

Walkthrough for knight in Alchemy 1000

  1. air + air = wind
  2. water + water = sea
  3. earth + water = plant
  4. fire + fire = Sun
  5. air + fire = meteor
  6. wind + wind = tornado
  7. earth + meteor = iron
  8. earth + plant = tree
  9. tornado + tornado = pressure
  10. fire + tree = coal
  11. sea + Sun = life
  12. earth + life = animal
  13. iron + tree = wheel
  14. coal + iron = steel
  15. pressure + steel = tools
  16. tools + tree = timber
  17. timber + wheel = cart
  18. animal + cart = horse
  19. horse + steel = knight
Alchemy 1000 Cheats